Diabetes, a disorder which seems everyday phenomenon. In today’s fast paced life, people in general never seem to realize how dangerous it is and by the time there is an intervention, much water has flown under the bridge.
The damage done to the body is far greater than it ever looks. The potential damage may be increased risk of heart diseases, stroke, high blood pressure and narrowing of blood vessels (Arteriosclerosis). Also, the sugar levels fluctuations may result in severe fatigue which ultimately leads to lethargy. A lethargic person does not have the will and mental strength to make the lifestyle changes. This continues in a cycle and persists so long the person suffering ultimately develops diabetic related diseases like neuropathy, Diabetic foot, blurry vision and many such complications which has only one consequence.
But how can diabetes be so scary, the answer is very simple. High blood sugar levels increase the osmotic pressure of the blood making it thicker, thicker blood requires more pumping energy from the heart. Thus, increasing the stress on heart and sheer force on blood vessels makes the perfect environment for clots to be formed. This is just the condition of heart; many other organs thus undergo such intense pressures.
So, the real question arises what causes such a deadly disorder?
Diabetes is caused primarily by two reasons,
a. Inability of the body to produce insulin (Type I Diabetes) – This happens when the immune system starts treating the cells of pancreas as foreign body and attacks them. This makes the pancreas lose its function ultimately leading to no production of Insulin.
b. Inability of the cells to absorb insulin (Type II Diabetes) – The major reason for this to happen is the phenomenon known as Insulin resistance. In Insulin resistance, the cells lose their ability to absorb insulin; insulin is required to transport glucose across the cell wall for energy generation; thus, cells cannot absorb glucose. The cycle continues resulting in increase in blood sugar levels.
Diabetes poses a life-threatening risk to the patients as it is undetectable for a very long period, and by the time the person is diagnosed with diabetes, there is no turning back other than the medication for the rest of the life.
All this leads to one question, is there a way to reverse diabetes?
Scientific answer is NO
But all the complications of diabetes and related disorders can be overcome with some simple routine changes. These changes will help you to become more energetic and to keep diabetes related complications far.
1. Medication – The prescribed medications have a very important role in maintaining blood sugar level; hence the medication cycle should never be missed.
2. Diet – In diet, the person suffering must ensure the usage of carbohydrates is judicious. Try to cut as much carbs as possible but don’t do it in a hurry as the body will get into a shock. Also start increasing the amount of protein steadily in the diet. Do not discount the role of fibre in lowering blood sugar levels as fibre provides satiety important in fighting hunger pangs.
3. Exercise – This is the most underrated aspect of sugar control; exercise alone can lower the blood sugar level if the person exercises daily. Since this is not feasible every day, it is always suggested to at least have physical activity for 45 min daily.
All these measures are long term if you do it every day this is going to help you to maintain optimum sugar levels. Stay healthy, Stay fit.